miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2017

meeting new people??????????????? NO THNAK S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Some people say "what you see is what you get" (meaning what you look like is what you are) while others say "never judge a book by its cover" (meaning outward appearances don't reflect what is inside the person). Discuss the implications of both attitudes and say which you agree with more"

                In my opinion, I think that both ways presented to think about a new person that you encounter in your life goes to two places totally different as how are you going to interact with them and only a first impression should not be the best way to know someone.
                To begin with, the phrase "what you see is what you get” I think is a tad bit too prejudice way to act at the moment when you meet someone new because it can occur that they are not in their best mood for what had happened before in their days and, by accident, you meet their worst side without having the opportunity to meet when they are okay.
On the other hand, the phrase "never judge a book by its cover" can be maybe, in some sort of way, a too carefree attitude because sometimes we need that tiny mistrust in people to avoid being in the future in a bad situation that can be easily avoided by ‘judging’ the people we met.
Besides that, I do think that the phrase "never judge a book by its cover" is kind of unrealistic because, even if we did not want to discriminate or judge people beforehand, we are going to do it anyways due the fact that is an unconscious thing that we do.

Overall, I do think that we should find a point in between both statements to have the ideal reaction to when we meet new people. 

miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017

technology???? harmful???????? i do NOT think !!!!!!!!!!!!!

As technology’s development increases every day, it is reaching to every aspect of our lives from health care, with machines that makes thing easier for doctors and patients, or even in our daily basis at our house, such as electrical household appliance that helps us to do our chores and tasks or even our cellphones that we carry all day long.

                Despite the fact that all of those functions seems really useful to our lives to make things easier, this situation has pros and cons. Pros are obviously the fact that technology is improving our lives, but those improvements can be also cons if we don’t know how to use them correctly.

To begin with, thanks to technology there has been an improvement in communication and the way we communicate with people. A pro is that the development of means of communication, such as cellphones and accessible internet for the majority of people in urban areas, it helps people to connect with their relatives that lives far away, because of this, they have access to call them whenever they want or even video chat with them if they have a camera connected to their computers or cellphones.

                But on the other hand, a con is that this high level of connectivity is separating us from people that we have near, like our close family or friends. Being all day on the cellphone trying to communicate with people that is away is separating us from that people that we have in front of us in real life. An example of this situation is when a group of people meets nowadays, when they are all together their focus is, as if it was a task, being on their cellphones taking photos to immediately upload it on the internet, sharing on their social media what they are doing or even chatting with other friends that are not there.

                Overall, in my opinion, I do not think that technology is any harmful if it is used in a correct and wise way. I think that as technology improves we also have to improve our technology skill by learning how to properly use it.

miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017

Pollution is a problem that people are becoming increaingly aware of

Pollution is a problem that people are becoming increasingly aware of.

Despite the fact that pollution has been a noticeable problem in countries since the first Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, only in the last few decades this problem has gained a relevant position among people as something that we should be aware.

Pollution is a problem that affects every living being that lives on Earth. From people to nature, animals and its ecosystems, they all have as common factor pollution and how it has affected their lives.

To begin with, the main problem that pollution causes on people is diseases, such as breathing related problems, difficulty to access to natural resources, like clean water or clean environments, etc. This causes problems to people that affects their 

miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017

"Living in a remote area can make a person's life rather challenging"

A person who lives in a remote area has more difficulties on their daily basis than a person that lives in the city.

For example, a person who lives in the city has access to services way easier than a person who lives in a remote area. Whereas the person who lives in the city can go to a shop in less than ten minutes, a person who lives in a remote area has to travel for kilometres to go to a shop, or even wait a couple days before going because they can travel so easily whenever they want.

domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017

i'm late but ok

What is the activity you participated in regarding social work on Wednesday? What is the activity you participated in regarding social work on Wednesday?
Last Wednesday all three generations of Social Work students were reunited, during the three-days long strike, in an assembly to start creating the first bylaws that will rule our career in the future.

Why was it so important for you to be there?
Since the Social Work career is new in Universidad de Chile (it was reopened in 2015 after being shut down for over 40 years since a decree in 1973) the student’s community were in need to create new bylaws to help us solve problems that we have with our career, such as problems with professors or classes (just like what happened on last Wednesday, if we had bylaws to regulate what happens when an assembly is at the same time with a class maybe we couldn’t have had this problem). This activity was also important because the new bylaws will also determinate the spirit, horizons and objectives that we as students have as a commitment with our career.

Why were there so few students from social work(considering the English class)?
Even though we are in a highly politicized university and faculty, the number of people that goes and stays all the way during assemblies are just a little fraction of the total students, sometimes it just a little above the quorum needed to vote. And, in English class there were no Social Work students because most of them were in the assembly.

How did you contribute in this activities?
While we were all discussing the new bylaws, I contributed by giving my opinion, in helping to find words that suited well our focus as a career, such as why I think the word “empathy” suites one of our career values better than “solidarity”.

Do you think things will be better?
I do think that things will be better. As Social Work students, we are really compromised with today’s society and we want to create a career that fights against inequality and discrimination.

miércoles, 16 de agosto de 2017

I didn’t know what to study until last minute so I basically joined Social Work just because it has a “gender studies” class and one of the I+D, which is like a practice, works together with the ex-Fundación Transitar and gender departments in municipalities and I’ve been really into that area since 2015, so this topic is really important for me. For this reason, I expect to keep working in this area and create an Institution in Chile that works with queer teenagers since they have really high suicide rates so I can help them go through those hard times full of self-questioning and lower as much as I can those horrible rates in Chile.

charles (aranguiz) ronson

Charles Ronson has been always associated to psychology since he graduated in Psychology from University of Cambridge in 1996, then in 1998 he got his MSc in Occupational Psychology from University Cardiff and finally, in 2010 he got his PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Preston in the United Kingdom.

From 2001 to 2003, Ronson worked as a Lecturer in General and Occupational Psychology in the University of Gloucestershire located in Cheltenham, U.K. In that university, he worked as a “knowledge transfer facilitator” to the first and third year undergraduate psychology students; he also worked in the designing and teaching a course for MSc level Psychology in the workplace students.

Since to 2004 to the present date, he has been working as a Research Consultant in the Transport Research Laboratories in Crowthrone. Along with his team in the University of Gloucestershire, they have been investigating the aspects of driver behavior in regard to safety.

Since 2011 to the present, Ronson has also been working as a Private English Language Teacher, teaching people with an age range of 4-40 years.

To the date Ronson has six publications and presentations, two of them are in Santiago, Chile, three in Europe, France and the United Kingdom, and one in New Orleans. In addition, he also has two publications in progress, one about the Design of a scale to examine the Socio-Affective differences in Chileans school children, and other about the Affective differences between educationally enriched high capacity children and those of regular capacity from different socio-economic groups in Chile